Friday 4 June 2010


So this is my final render for hand in. Unfortunately its not completed but i will continue working on this brief for the Nghiem within the next few weeks so that i can have more animation and props.

There is no sound added to the final for hand in because I had no replies from the sound student, hopefully he will still want to work on the sound for the clients finished version.

I feel that i had learnt so much and at the beginning of term i was full steam 100% committed to producing the best work i can. Though i feel i had been lacking in the last two weeks, i was not working to my best because of a few reasons - moving house twice, i was ill for a week, and personal reasons too.

I will continue working on this animation so it is fit for Nghiems needs. I will need to add more animation with the dragon, add textures to behind the text, and add sound. Also get Andi to finihs modeling props, then i can add effects in after effects in the compositing stage.